For 1984's Let It Be, The Replacements decided to get "a little more sincere." To me, it seemed a LOT more sincere. Unsatisfied. Sixteen Blue. Answering Machine. I Will Dare. Classic. Classic. Classic! CLASSIC!!! According to the Jim Walsh book, photographer Daniel Corrigan convinced the band to climb on to the roof of the Stinson's house to shoot the iconic album photo.
I have listened to this album a hundred times. Monday night, We're Coming Out!!! Start "Let It Be" at 8p CST. Listen and tweet along with the hashtag #albumclub. Hope to see you on the Tweeterzz!
Welcome to Album Club
One of the best things about Twitter is experiencing a live event with your friends. Album Club brings that experience to a classic CD. We choose an album, start it at the same time, and tweet along. You'll hear it with fresh ears, and with the opinions and memories of the Twitterverse.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot - Tue. Feb. 22 8p CST
Hello and welcome to the first ever Album Club. We're going to listen to Wilco's "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot." Seemed like a good choice to kick off Album Club. It's a classic, no question about it. It has a great story. Pitchfork gave it a 10. And everyone loves the documentary about it.Well, everyone but me. I thought the doc was kind of a snoozer.
But that's not the point.
The point is, Tuesday Feb. 22 at 8p CST, start the album. Follow and use the hashtag #albumclub on Twitter. Tweet what you think. What did it mean to you when it came out? How have the songs changed for you? What else can you add to the conversation?
One more note. #albumclub was inspired by @johnmoe and his nearly legendary #candyclub (RIP). See you Tuesday night!
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